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People Aren't Stereotype

We are all so obsessed with the stereotype definition of a person belonging to a certain group that we actually ignore to know who the person really is.
If a person is Muslim then they must be terrorist. If a person is gay, he must be dressed like a girl. If a person is bisexual, they must be confused about their sexuality. In our country as well it is like if a person is from village, they must be naive. If a girl is in relationship, she must be characterless. If you are a girl and choose to speak, you are rebel.  

Right? No! This whole stereotype concept is wrong.

Just because a person belongs to a certain race or sexuality or ethnicity or a group doesn't mean they are solely defined by it. Just because the person is muslim doesn't mean they are contributing to world terrorism. Just because the person is gay doesn't mean he will stay up all night deciding what to wear so the world will vividly know they are gay. Just because they are bisexual doesn't mean they'll never fall in love with anyone. 
Maybe for them, it's just an aspect of their life and they aren't making it as big as we are showcasing it. People must understand a person have various dimensions and their ethnicity, sexuality or orientation towards a thing is just a part of their whole personality. Being something or part of something may cause people to act certain way, but that doesn't prevent them from having basic human emotions. That doesn't stop them from feeling or acting in the way every human does.

The problem with us now is that we have been so focused on making people feel lower than the standard we have set for them , we actually don't see how illogically we are discriminating the person. We must understand that no baby is born with a pre-attached book from the uterus titled"Things you should be." We are all here in this world learning from each other and experimenting with our feelings. As we continue this process we come across various people with each having different prospect of life and different thought about existence. As humans we must be conscious enough to at least be able to respect them even if we can't relate to them. Each child is born live a empty canvas to paint. Here the children themselves as the artists and people that surround them are their inspiration. So, they reflect their parents, their relatives or friend. However besides this they also learn various things from themselves as well. This makes every person different from the other. The whole history of human evolution is reflected by a person when they act in a certain way. So, I don't think our opinion, judgement or comment is actually needed to validate the existence of a person when they were the one who struggled for minimum of 16 years in this planet just so few millions of people that surrounds them can see what they have to offer for the mankind.

By this background, I really consider it is cruel to humankind to have a person inside a box of stereotype image that we have towards certain group and not let their goodness or thinking to reflect on us. You might think you are lowering them down and lifting yourself up, but in the long run you are the one demolishing yourself. Every time you underestimate someone and keep them under your standard , you lose a chance of good influence for better you. If you don't think that this is important, I don't know what is.

Personally, I have been judged for my whole life for being fat, but then who hasn't been judged. Still the compliment I get goes like "God, you look good. Didn't you lose some weight?" Why the hell should I lose weight to look good? Who knows may be it is my smile instead? Or may be it the extra fries I had that gave me the glow? Why is our beauty related to our size? Why are we called fat when we are just thick? Why are we taught to hate our bodies when it is something we should be proud of? Why are we called by stupid names when we have clearly introduced ourselves?

To be honest, I had actually shut myself for a year because of these comments. I would always be writing very depressing stuffs, I wouldn't want anyone to read. Then I would see all those misfortuned kids and find myself lucky. I would embrace my body and go out, but there would always be someone pointing out that I was oversized rather rudely. It might be once for them, but I have been hearing that for whole my life and seriously I had had enough. I just cut off those people who think I am over sized so why should I carry extra weight having them around me. I am happy being thick, I am the one who should be bother about it, but I am not. And since I am thick, people have that stereotype thinking about my habit which I swear aren't true.

So, dear everyone if you think religion, ethnicity, size, sexuality, colour and gender are the only things that define a person than you need to re-evaluate what you have learnt so far. I have seen people other than my religion who are generous to me, I have heard people belonging to a completely different ethnic background saying relatable things to me. I have found thick women beautiful, I have seen a gay who has more manly appearance than most of the man. (He has a brilliant voice ;P), I have friends with darker complexion who are both gentle and beautiful inside out. I know how it is to be a second gender and I have nothing to hold against the whole men in general.

Now, I don't think I can risk to view any person as stereotype and miss an incredible opportunity to hear an amazing story. Many people ask me why I talk to everyone and about everything. I actually do so because I think it is really important for us to know what other have to say to us and absorb it. We are very short lived and we don't have enough time to experience everything that the world has to offer, so I interact with people so I can read them as I read books. So, I can hear their story, learn my lesson. I want them to hear my and learn theirs. Call me crazy but for me expression is one of the things I must always practice. 


  1. Why are we called by stupid names when we have clearly introduced ourselves? so touched with this statement.People start judging in just a single glance n thats not fair ..

  2. Yes people must know we are a whole human being not just a name or a particular thing we are connected to. We all have been in there once

  3. It happen to all Of us one time or other and I think it is important for us to take our stands.


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